Thursday, June 02, 2005

How To Drop Futile Communication Patterns

Have you ever noticed that you make the very same mistakes again and again when dealing with people?

I like to refer to this as... the futility of repeating what does not work! And we all fall into this trap to some degree. We become so used to not being able to do something that we think it cannot be done.Let´s say you find it difficult to start conversations with complete strangers. You tried before and you didn´t do very well.

And because you failed a few times you start to dread such encounters, avoid them and even find ways to ensure you rarely have to deal with these types of situations.What are the consequences of this approach?

It´s obvious really -- you will get worse and worse at meeting new people because you rarely allow it to happen and because you never get the opportunity to work at it and improve.

This is a sure fire recipe for stagnation with no hope for improvement and personal growth. It´s time to shake things up a little and find new and even fun ways to stop repeating the same old mistakes.Here is one tip for learning new ways of dealing with people -- find someone who seems to have a natural flair for creating rapport with people and follow that person around to observe him or her in action.


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