Say Adios to the Fear of Rejection
Do you ever get an uncomfortable feeling in your stomach when you have to approach someone? In situations like these, does your mind go blank?This is not unusual.That feeling is often the fear of rejection. When you feel afraid your emotions take over, you feel tense and your ability to think logically vanishes into thin air.And that is why you can talk to close friends without a care in the world but never know what to say when you meet new people. i.e. emotions cloud your thinking.What is the answer to this challenge?You need to take charge of your fear of rejection.
This is a very involved matter and too complex for me to cover properly in an email so for today I can only give you some simple tips to point you in the right direction...
- Imagine the worst case scenario.Run it through in your mind. How will you handle rejection if it does happen? Our fears often take on a life of their own.However when you can stop for a moment and plan in advance, whatever does happen is usually not so bad after all. Once you accept this you will feel more relaxed and better able to deal with what does happen.
- Decide what rejection meansWhen we react emotionally to rejection we can usually come up with some awful reasons why people reject us, such as:- People dislike me- I am a failure- I am not worthy of their approval- I am not good with peopleThese limiting thoughts are only making things worse for you. And the strange thing is that only you can choose what rejection means for you.Meaning is a choice so why not choose more empowering meanings?
- Such as:- I need to change my approach- I can get better by learning a better way- He is having a bad day and is too busy to talk
- Decide what rejection really means before it happens and you will feel a lot better about yourself if it does happen
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