Thursday, September 29, 2005

7 Important Reasons To Master People Skills

  • The better your people skills the easier it is to make new friends. You can effortlessly expand your circle of friends when you exude a charm and ease that attracts people to you.
  • Do you want to be happy? Lasting happiness requires you to have mutually supportive relationships with family and friends. The greater the rapport you cultivate with the important people in your life the happier you will be.
  • You will eliminate many of the problems that plague most people. The most stressful problems are usually lingering people problems. When you master the ability to resolve conflict and find win-win solutions you can enjoy much less day to day stress.
  • Expand opportunities for personal and professional growth. The more people like and appreciate you the more likely you are to hear of new opportunities that can benefit you.The people you know are your greatest resource and many will be happy to help you move ahead as long as they like you.
  • Neglect people skills and you will remain in a rut and out of touch. You will fall behind in your work and in your community because you will be the last to hear of new developments and initiatives. Life will become increasingly difficult and stressful because you are out of the loop.
  • If you are neglecting people skills loneliness will grow as friends move on and you fail to connect with new people. Even if you have many people to talk to you could still lack a deep connection with people who understand you.
  • Be yourself with those who care for you. Nothing compares with the enjoyment of freely expressing yourself with true friends without fear of criticism. It´s a wonderful relief from the dogma of a politically correct society.

Neglect communication skills and you limit your happinessand success. And by default you give others control overyour life. The only way to be the master of your destiny isto take charge. Know what you really want and have thecourage to stand up and be counted.


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