Tuesday, October 25, 2005

How To beat the force that holds you back

There is a powerful force that stops you from speaking up. It is the same force that prevents you from making your voice count and it is the reason why others ignore you or fail to appreciate what you have to offer.

In fact, this force is responsible for most of the lack of enjoyment, fulfillment and even the limited appreciation you experience in your day to day life.Why is this? Because this force keeps people away from you and stops you from connecting with people you want to know better.

Thankfully, there is a solution and those who know how have overcome the same negative force that holds you back. These people enjoy superior relationships, greater career success and a busy social life with friends who love and appreciate them.

If you ever feel like you need either permission to speak up or approval from someone before really being yourself then you know what I mean. It´s as if the rules you learned as a child are still governing your life: only speak when spoken to.

Unfortunately as adults we know what happens when we wait for permission to speak up. That´s right, someone else takes our place!Imagine for a moment what your life would be like if you could drop this tendency to hold yourself back. Your typical day would be so different.

Think of the fun you would have joking with people.Imagine all the new people you´d get to know and think about how good you would feel being an active participant rather than hiding on the periphery of the group.

Right now, it is as if an imaginary barrier is keeping you away from other people. And yes, it is imaginary, it is not real except in your mind.The people who connect with others, those who are all smiles and radiating warm confidence simply look at the world differently. The world is not different - it merely looks different to them.

You can join them when you drop the self imposed restrictions that are holding you back.Face your fears and drop them one by one. You do this by changing how you think - not by changing the world.

As soon as you feel differently about dealing with people others will notice the change in you and start treating you differently.That´s the funny thing about life - to change the world change yourself and the people in your world will follow your lead.

They respond to you by reflecting back how you feel about yourself.If you feel good about yourself, if you feel confident and at ease others assume you to be confident and at ease. They then respect you more. And all because you decided to respect yourself.

But, when you are fearful you give off different vibes and because you are avoiding people they tend to avoid you.


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